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Gym Near me arlington, Arlington gym near me, fitness trainer near me

Strengthening the
Age 50+
Arlington Community

Your Arlington Personal Training Studios helping you rejuvenate your health and improve quality of life through Customized Fitness Programs. 

As Seen In: 

Gym Near me arlington, Arlington gym near me, fitness trainer near me
Gym Near me arlington, Arlington gym near me, fitness trainer near me
Gym Near me arlington, Arlington gym near me, fitness trainer near me

The Texas Rangers
Front Office

Our Fitness Program in Arlington, TX is committed to helping you gain strength and improve balance and flexibility while taking care of your joints in the process.  

How we're Different

  • Private Studio with no more than 5 members at a time

  • Professional Guidance and Expertise for Fitness over 50

  • Achieve your Goals alongside peers of similar age and goals! 


What Our Clients Say

Arlington, TX fitness program

Sarah, 5 year member

"I really want to feel stronger and have the energy I need to keep up with my grandchildren. Inner Strength Fitness has helped me to significantly improve my endurance and fitness with positive encouragement and sensible coaching.  It feels great to be stronger and healthier than I was just a few months ago."

Personal Training in Arlington, TX

Wayne, 2 year member

"My balance and core strength has improved significantly since starting at Inner Strength."

Fitness Program in Arlington, TX

Dr. Eidson

"After only 6 short

weeks I was back to where I was before surgery and after 12 weeks I was stronger than before my

injury. I cannot thank Inner Strength Fitness enough for their expertise and encouragement because I

am 100% confident that without them I would have never recovered as safely and as quickly as I have.

Thank you Inner Strength Fitness from the bottom of my heart.

Gym Near me arlington, Arlington gym near me, fitness trainer near me

FINALLY,a results-driven fitness solution for the age 50+ community here in Arlington, TX. 

Inner Strength Fitness is a Customized Training Program designed specifically for people over 50 years of age. A Personal Training Studio in Arlington, TX. 


South Arlington: 3901 West Arkansas Lane Suite 115 Arlington, TX 76016

North Arlington 1831 Brown Blvd Suite 105 Arlington, TX 76006
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